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From the beginning: Our thoughts on the past, values learned, and lessons for the future
Ogallah, an unusual name we adopted. It evokes the past. American Indian, (Sioux) inspired. It refers to the giant underground lake, Oglala, which provides the life source for the American high plains. In the beginning, it nourished the small population of Plains Indians in numerous spring fed pristine lakes, sub-irrigated pastures, habitat for Bison, It was adequate to the population. When European explorers came, followed by the settlers, the vast land seemed in hospitable, harsh, treeless, a land to “pass through” to the easier real estate on the west coast. Many lost their lives there, some by thirst…. dying where potable water was a few scant feet beneath them in the easy to dig, sandy soil. They did not know that the Oglala aquifer was there always. This lake of fresh water extends through parts of South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado. When they found it, and its ease of use, why a simple one point drill bit, could be hammered into the ground then pumped by a windmill to create water for livestock, homestead use, building towns, and growing crops. It created a boom of farming, ranching, and immigration to the Great Plains. It created dangers as well, displacement of the Indigenous tribes, and over use. We saw the over use, the dust bowl era, and current over use by irrigation wells. You see the Oglala is an aquifer, literally a “lake” of water, with a finite ability to recharge itself over many of years, currently, water use is vastly outstripping the recharge rate, water decreases several inches a year. To galvanize this in your imagination, a pivot irrigation well , in the Texas panhandle, will decrease the water table in Nebraska proportionally, and vice versa. When the water is gone, the current civilization will follow. It is a recognized scientific fact. Finally, after years of neglect, there is at least conversation on the topic. Now to figure out what we can do to save the Oglala aquifer and possibly our way of life. Conservation foremost of course, preservation of the above ground habitat, use the water begrudgingly, stubbornly, guard it, wisely.
So we are Ogallah, a private investment, origination, and servicing fund. What has all this has to do with you and us? Here is the analogy. You see, we envision the Oglala aquifer as a euphemism of your capital in an investment. Both have to be wisely kept. Applied judiciously, and with safety. We believe that you earned your investment through hard work, preserved, and augmented it along the way. What was placed into your hands to manage, as you would with the wealth of the Oglala aquifer. We believe you are competent to understand the value of the analogy . Experienced to see both sides of the mirror, being an entrepreneur and being an investor, and understand value, and opportunity available. Ogallah does not currently, place our investments with Investment advisers, we find there is dilution in the message with significant costs associated. Cost to the investor and cost to the entrepreneur which are not easily overcome. We manage the funds directly. Our loan guidelines are real estate or fixed assets, with current cash flow, underwritten by bank level standards, low loan to value, real experience and personal site inspection. We apply ALL your funds to the investment bottom line, no loads and no commissions. Ogallah gets paid by yield spread premium servicing on loan repayment, just like you do, as the investor. We usea proprietary underwriting capsule, with separate reporting and taxable funds. Each individual L.L.C. fund is limited to dollar amount, with set parameters of credit. We provide the 5 “C”’s of credit evaluation, (Character, Capacity, Collateral, Capitalization, and Credit). All of our investments are self generated with an origination contract. As with the Oglala aquifer with that priceless water, we at Ogallah, believe we can maximize the safety of your capital, yet provide a better than average yield. A “new deal”, better rates and higher yield for investors.
In epilogue, we use that primary scene of the Oglala aquifer, with its windmill, which tirelessly mines the water, creating commerce and life, and prospects going into the future. It’s an idea we admire, compatibility, by seeing both sides of the equation individually, we will value both the investor and the borrower equally because without either party, the other party cannot succeed. Harmony, the windmill creates a harmonious use for the water saved throughout centuries in the Oglala aquifer, as with your capital, judiciously bringing life and commerce to worthwhile projects. With safety, Will Rogers said, “It is the return OF my money, rather than the return ON my money I am concerned about!” Freedom of choice, personally making a decision. Not being shackled to traditional, disappointing and uninspired investments. The Windmill and it’s aquifer, symbolize the pioneer homestead settler, investor, and entrepreneur , We look at going forward, in essence, drilling for water, by seeing everyday life as an opportunity, even though it can be somewhat daunting. We find our investors the old fashioned way one by one, who share our philosphy. We believe the individual investor has the power to identify quality investments, opportunities, and understand the vision of quality projects, without the opinions of commission based advisers. Our goal is to symbolize the relationship of Oglala watershed and correlated to your investment capital. The Oglala aquifer, It should be a national conversation piece. With a hope that with preservation and rebirth, it will be a phenomenon for a century to come. Ogallah LC, we hope will become a century old company as well, with our vision of a new era in self-made private investments with you at our side.