Ogallah L.C. operational guidelines

Our guarantee in every investment

Investor welfare is the primary concern of the Company. Ogallah L.C. will always pledge to protect to protect value for our investors.

Avoid excessive risk for the sake to maximize return.

Do the business we know. We cannot be all things to all customers.

Investment dollars are "no load". Requiring that all investment dollars are accounted for dollar for dollar in actual investment. 

Boots on the ground underwriting, along with customary desk underwriting, coupled with our proprietary requirements. All backed with third party verification.

Promissory Note Investments are linked collaterally to low loan to value, complex, first and only"  deed of trust or mortgages. State of the art loan agreements, covering bankruptcy filing protection, cash flow management requirements, waterfall lock box, and Ogallah L.C. trustee  with veto powers on each investment. 

Fixed rate and adjustable investment terms are available to match  the individual investors cash management strategies.. 

All L.L.C promissory notes are taxed as personal income.

All promissory notes are private and intended for qualified investors, are disclosed to the S.E.C. Edgar reporting service, with subsequent state and foreign "blue sky" disclosures. This may necessitate a one (1) year limited redistribution to effect a "safe harbor" open trading window. 

As necessary, Ogallah L.C. will unobtrusively  as possible, qualify investors and create appropriate investment opportunities. 

Ogallah L.C. business plan to act as a fund and service provider. Creating a"fresh air" "open book" offerings of debt and debt equity investment.


  Ogallah L.C. how investment is meant to be!